Saturday, March 24, 2012

Anything but Ordinary Please!

Hello, my name is Hailee Vandiver. I am from Upland, California and currenly attend Upland High school as a Junior.I am one of the fortunate few that have been accepted into the extraordinary AFS Intercultural Programs. Thanks to AFS, I now have the amazing opprotunity to spend my senior year of high school (2012-2013) in Italy. In Italy I will be living with a host family and attending a public high school as a student in either the third or fourth year. During my year abroad, I will accomplish so much more than this: I will learn a new language, I will experience a different way of learning through the Italian school system, I will represent not only California but America by forging lasting bonds. I believe through this program we as a people can create a universal cultural understanding, something I've always dreamed of. I hope while in Italy I can learn to better myself as a person in our incresingly interconnected world. Right now, as a Junior, I manage to keep myself very busy amidst a plethora of homework, studying, community theater, volunteer work, clubs, and social life. At school I am a memeber of the California Scholarship Federation, Spanish Theater, History Day Club, and the Thespian Society. I am also in the works of developing a non-profit organization that encourages education and success in high school students through the form of planned events centered around guest speakers. I am elated to be given the opprotunity to experience and learn about my world through AFS. Cultural understanding has always been very important to me. In fact, after my year abroad when I begin college, I plan to study linguistics and international relations at Seoul National University in Korea. It is only with your help that I can achieve these goals! I must raise 4,000 dollars to cover the remaining cost of my tutition to AFS.I have worked very hard in applying to several scholarships to cover my tution. So far I have raised 3,000 and my tution will be fully covered if I can raise an additional 4,000.I know that times are hard for all of us, so whatever amount you can donate is greatly appreciated! No amount is too small. Click on the ChipIn! gadget on the top right of this blog to help me with my journey by making a secure donation. I would greatly appreciate it if you could forward my blog to anyone else who you think might be interested in sponsoring my AFS experience by forwarding the link Thank you for taking an interest in my blog and in my future hopes and dreams! I will be updating this blog periodically throughout my trip, so please continue to check for updates!

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