Monday, August 13, 2012

The Summer so Far, Getting Ready to Leave, Worries and Advice Part 2

I believe the root of homesickness Is usually fear. And if you know your enemy there are a few ways you can combat it and I plan to implement these so we will see how it works our. First of all, I think mental preparation can take you a long way. I know I will be gone for a year and I have been preparing for almost year to leave so I hope it doesn’t come as a shock when the day is here. Also, early contact with your host family to establish a bond is a good step. This bond will help ease you into the new life instead of dropping you into a stranger’s house. I achieved this through skype and consistent email contact with my host family. In addition, I would recommend that you and your parents make a pact to not talk for at least two weeks when you arrive in your host country. One of the AFSers I have talked to didn’t talk to her family for two months! Now that seems a little too hard for me, but my mom and I have agreed on no contact for two weeks. Plus, I have been told to keep a journal, which I will do in addition to this. So I will implement these theories and tell you how it works out.
 Right now I am finishing up the Rosetta Stone that AFS gave us and it makes me feel better when I start to get worried about learning the language. If there are any prospective AFSers reading this I urge you to not let a foreign language deter you from studying abroad instead let it be an incentive! Even though it might seem impossible the human brain learns extremely fast and language skills develop within months ( I have seen this firsthand with two Thai exchange students I know).
The thing that has me most freaked right now is the realization that this part of my life will soon be over forever. I have finished both junior and senior year and have basically graduated. Then after that is college, so after these 23 days, at least for the next five years, I will no longer live consistently at home. I have waited so long to be done with high school and with this bracket of life, but now that it is here I sort of wish I could put the brakes on. Not that I would give up the future I would just maybe like a moment to look back and reflect, and all of the sudden it seems as if there is no time. This is both terrifying and exhilarating, but I suppose that is what the future is and I am lucky to have something to look forward to. I am getting my hair cut in a week or two and dyed back to my natural color so everything is low maintenance and cost in Italy I haven’t seen my natural color in years haha wonder what it is now. Every time I look at something or say goodbye to someone it somehow feels more meaningful and permanent now that my life is about to change. Which of course then makes me cry, stupid puberty. Well anyway I digress.
Italy is fast approaching and I plan to get my host family something along the lines of magnets, t-shirts, tiny flags and sand from the Pacific Ocean. How cool is it that next time I swim it will be in the Mediterranean Sea?! I have heard bringing post cards is good so you can write thank yous to your friends and stuff. It is very cold in Tortona and It actually snows! I have never been in someplace that snows so I plan to buy warm clothes there because I don’t own any here. Well that’s all I can think of right now. Now that I am done with summer classes I will be posting more frequently and will definitely continue to do so in Italy. Please if anyone has any questions or comments post! I am happy to help :) 

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