Tuesday, June 5, 2012

School Credits

So no new exciting information about my host family yet, but I can tell you all about school credits while abroad yay! I'm going to Italy for my senior year of high school so obviously there were several obstacles concerning graduation, college apps, and credits. So my first step was to talk to my counselor, luckily he was on my side but because I am in advanced placement classes, don't want to do another year of high school when I came back, and plan on attending colleges the fall after I come back, I had to squish two years into 6 months. The to-do list got pretty long 1. 3 AP tests 2. 3 SAT subject test 3. The SAT 4. The ACT 5. 1 semester of government class 6. 1 semester of economics class 7. 1 semester of p.e. 8. Apply to college Th plan my counselor and I came up with to get my credits and still graduate on time was this: I complete my senior required classes during the summer before I leave give my transcripts from my summer classes to my current school and they enter me into the system for the coming school year, then after I leave my mom will unenroll me from my American school and once I return from italy the school will reactivate me in the system and I get my diploma yay. I am doing my senior classes online through national university virtual high school and through the charter school options for youth. Fr my time abroad I can only receive elective credits because I already have completed my required 230 Credits to graduate. In addition the credit I am receiving is pass or fail credit so it will not hurt my gpa. As far as college stuff goes, I am going to attempt to complete as much of my applications as I can before I leave. Well that's all for now I hope next time I post it will be about my host family! I hope this helps anyone who is trying to figure out their credit stuff


  1. Hi :) I applied for a program in Italy too ! I was wondering when you get the acceptance to the program (like how many months before you go) thank you & I hope you are having a great time

  2. Hey Camila!
    Thank you for reading my blog!
    So I turned in my full application for the 2012-2013 academic year in Italy to AFS USA on December 23. I was the first one to apply and they say the program fills up very fast so the earlier the better! I think I was accepted to AFS USA in Kate January. Then your application is sent to the host country, in my case Italy. I was accepted by AFS ITALY (intercultura) late February or the first week of March. I got my host family info June 22.
    Hope this helps

  3. Oh and keep looking out for new posts! I will post again tomorrow
