Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First Days in Italy

so first thing the keyboard is completely different here so in this post there will be many typos and no punctuation. deal with it. its a bit weird i feel like im stranded on an island because i didnt bring a phone (should have) and my computer isnt compatible with the internet my family has so until that is resolved i will post as often as possible. my family is really nice and they are trying really hard to speak english so we can communicate but it is hard on both sides. ceci my sister is 22. i am running on very little energy so this will be a string of unrelated thoughts. i miss home this is very very hard. the hardest thing i have ever done in my life.v i didnt think it would be hard but i was totaly wrong. there is something to be said about comfort. i dont know how anything works here even the light switches look different. my rooom is really nce they painted it yellow for me and it is very spacious and pretty. the house is three stroies and very comfortable. there is only one bathroom but it is huge. the switch to flush the toilet is above thetoilet and is a button and not a lever. i have no idea how to work the shower lol. i have given my family some of the gifts i got them and they love it. the weather is hot during the day and cold during the night. moist but not too humid. i wish i had known my computer wasnt going to work i could have saved myself alot of trouble on the 16 hours of flying 4 hours in a bus and 7 hours on a train. it is very beautiful. everyone smokes. all the kids drink and smoke. my family doesnt drink at all. learning a new language is exhausting i am always tired but i already feel as if i have learned a little more than i knew before. the one level of rosetta stone that afs made us do before leaving seemed pointless while i was doping it but it has been a life saver! if they keep having afsers do that do it all! i start school tomorrow and i am really nervous i have to walk which is good but i have a broken toe that is jsut not going to heal apparently and it is so swollen so none of my shoes fit. yay constant pain and embarrassment. afs said no one wears shorts and everyone dresses very formally. that is absolutely wrong everyone wears shorts and they dtress exactly the same as we do. breakfast is at 7 lunch at 1 then rest until 3 and dinner at 8 or 9 party until 1 and then start all over again. i dont know how they do it. i feel like a bother to everyone i try to speak too and it is discoruaging but then something will happen and everything is okay again. because i am on my own it is hard to keep things in perspectibve and keep my emotions in check like sometimes i just think this is horrinble i am stupid and i want to cry and then three mintues later ceci invites me somewhere and it is fine. this is hard. now i cant speak italian but i am trying so hard to speak italian that my english sucks. i am worried i am going to get lost walking to school tomorrow. i need to buy school supplies today . i forgot my tongue scraper. there are alot of bees. alot of hand motions like a whole other language i need to learn there are literally thousands. hundreds of different ways to flip people off. i went to like a street fair last night ( you have no idea how long it took me to remember how to say that in english) there were fireworkd snd i hung out with ceci and here friends. i am like an alien first people are afriad to talk to me and then its have you met the lakers do you surf. they do lsiten to american music here but there are actually alot of really famous italian singggers. this giy ligabue is super popular and alessandra morsoso ( i have no idea how to spell their names). overall everything is good just very difficult. i thought it would be more carefree and easy but it is so hard that i cant even describe it. anyone who says otherwise is either lying or fluent in italian. did i mention i have a nonno and a nonna they are really nive. eberyone knows everyone here and is impossible to go anywhere without sayinghi to someone. thats all the time i have because now i need to go buy school supplies. hopefully next time i post i will be a little moer cogent. ciao. oh and only old poeèple do the kissy thing the firdst timethey meet.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hailee! I'm glad everything is well with you in Italia! It's so difficult to understand anything, but we will soon! You were so kind to me at orientation! You're awesome!! I hope you have a nice year!
