Sunday, September 2, 2012

Packing and Host Family Gifts!

I have officially finished packing! it took several hours and three rounds of packing and unpacking, but I'm done! When i was packing i kept on searching for what other AFSers had packed but couldn't seem to find a list anywhere, so here is what I packed.
1. 2 pairs of jeans
2. 1 pair of slacks
3. 1 pair of jean shorts
4. 1 pair of green capri's
5. 7 shirts
6. 2 long sleeve shirts
7. 2 white tanktops
8. 14 underwear
9. 14 pairs of socks
10. 1 pair of flip flops
11. 2 pairs of walking shoes
12. 1 pair of flats
13. 1 pair of heels
14. 1 pair of water proof shoes
15. 1 pair of tennis shoes
16. 1 black blazer
17. 3 sweater jacket things
18. 2 scarves
On the AFS facebook page people often ask if they should bring their computers or not. I would definitely say yes because of school work, but also if you are applying to college while abroad (like me).
I also got all of my host family gifts picked out and packed. In my host family I have a mom, dad, and a sister. For my mom I got oven mits that say I love USA on them, blackberry jam (very californian), a coffee cup that says California on it, american measuring cups and spoons, and I made a cookbook of all of my favorite recipes that only americans eat  (stuff from thanksgiving, chocolate chip cookies, breakfast stuff). For my dad I got chocolate american money! I thought it was brilliant, there is a 100 dollar chocolate bar and also the chocolate coins. In addition, i got Obama candy (yes it exists), and a pretty poster of my city logo. For my sister, Cecilia, I got a Hollister shirt that says southern California on it, I made her a necklace, and got some salt water taffy. Plus i went to the beach and collected some shells and sand and put them in cute containers to give to my host family and the friends I plan to make!  My host mom messaged me that they are getting my room ready and that i start school on September 12th at 7:50 in the morning. Exciting stuff!

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